Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hello bonjour! This gonna be the first post after I came back from UK and Paris! It's been a few weeks I think. Really lazy to blog and study, don't know why am I getting lazier and lazier. But I am not going to blog bout the trip now, b'cause I have to wait for Venice to send me all the photos. Just a summary of the trip here: everything is expensive in UK and Paris except the clothes, Scotland is nice and chilling, London is so hot during the summer, France meal is delicious, Paris is not that beautiful as I thought :( and I will be back one day! 

 hugging the old tree at Bath Spa :P

As I said, I am getting lazier and lazier lately. Even eat and shower also can take me for a long time. So don't talk bout study and assignment. 
Yeah, this is the scene when i showering. But I take longer than meme, 30-45 mins I think. So 30 mins is for deep thoughts bout life, hahahaha. Actually is stunning lah. 

And my AS exam is around the corner eh. Starts from9/10 to 12/11. Left 40++ days I think. Really have to study already, time is running and I don't want to fail my exam please! But no motivation also. Everyday open the book - stare at it - close book. CAN'T CONCENTRATE AT ALL man! 

 This is me :/

Even the exam not yet started but I already plan what to do after it. Like shopping, food hunting, sleep all day and being a 'fai chai' at home. But I don't think my college got break after the exam. What to do? 
So plan is invalid loh? And I want to save money also, save for i5, trips and alots of stuff. Girl's craving list is always so long, but money is so little. Haih :(

 This will be the face after my exam: WHY YOU NO STUDY? WHYYYYY? 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

JiuFen Taiwan 九份两天一夜之旅

九份台湾新北市瑞芳区的一个地区,早期因为盛产金矿而兴盛,矿坑挖掘殆尽后从而没落。1990年代后,因电影悲情城市》一片于九份取景,九份的独特旧式建筑、坡地以及风情,透过此片而吸引国内外的注目,也为此地区重新带来生机,目前已经成为一个很受欢迎的观光景点。- 《维基百科》

我们在九份待了两天一夜,其实不过夜也行. 因为九份并没有很大,所以一日游是足够的.  九份其实就有很多名宿可以选择,我们入住的是温莎堡名宿,原因是因为网上的照片很美,可是因为一些程序的问题,我们就从海景套房变成老宿,还真的有点失望的. 

食物的时间 :)

我本身还蛮喜欢这个糕点,它外面很Q,里面的红豆馅很丰富,然后不会很甜. 可是要排队排很久.  





这是旅游书推荐的. 味道还好,Snowflake比较好吃.





这就是传说中的阴阳海,就蓝色和泥黄色. 它会有泥黄色是因为以前的九份是开矿区,所以到现在有些矿物质还留在大海里,就因此形成了阴阳海

看山看水,有种行到水穷处,坐看云起时的feel.  哈哈

然后这就是黄金瀑布,它其实没有黄金,所以不要抱有偷金的打算. 它叫黄金瀑布也是因为那泥黄色的矿物质.

我们到了悬崖勒马.  浪很大,海水很多. 还有迎面吹来的春风.

枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马. 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯.

这是冰淇淋,外皮是铜囖烧,里面则是冰淇淋. 还不错



