As a Malaysian, I've heard it all before.
Malaysian are awesome, friendly, kind, open-minded(depends), bad service, rude, ungracious and blah blah blah~ But now, I gonna explode
10 ugly things about Malaysian. No offense, a
few bad eggs does not make the whole chicken farm bad. =)
1. Throwing tissue paper into the public washing basin.
Neh, this is what a Malaysian usually did. I think most of the Malaysians done this because they think it has a maid to help them to clean up. Somemore, there is some cigarette butts roll inside the tissue paper. Normally I won't use the basin once I saw this situation. Gross~
2. Double Parking!
It's like an idiot who failed their driving test OR a genius that think others car can pass through. I wonder how they get their licence, perhaps this is the power of table money? LOL
3. No need to queue up.
You probably won't see Malaysian queue in a straight line.They just cut the queue in Malaysian intensely style: PUSH IN. Otherwise, the parents will order their children to queue up at another link and see which link is faster.
4. They are the kings of the road.
Malaysian drivers used to set up their own rules on the road. They even more skillful than the F1 1st runner. Sometimes I think they have no more time or to lifeless to be alive.
5. Shit or pee without flushing off.
Oh~ how true? Malaysians usually squatting on the water closet and leave their big black shoe print on it as a sign for ''到此一游". Would them do the same at their own mama house? I bet no~
6. They have no EXCUSE ME~
I experience this in school, public transport, shopping mall and anywhere! Malaysians are very sharp-witted people。 They can squeeze in and out when they found a small small gap without saying anything even they know they're pushing you. How to solve this problem dude? Become more fatter and fatter until people can't squeeze between you or else they will die attributed to lack of oxygen.
7. Throw rubbish everywhere.
Don't you know Malaysian is a big family? (of course included our fellow citizen - Rubbish) Malaysians love to litter everywhere maybe because they can't stand the clean and cozy. Or most of the Malaysians think Malaysia is a big Dustbin then.
8. Malaysian loves to watch accident!
Ok.. this is what happening when you think you caught in a bad traffic jam. Malaysians always slow down their car to see the road accident on the opposite side. PLEASE MOVE AHEAD! I may be rushing on time.
9. Take Away!
It's not about dine in or take away. Malaysians are greedy and love to take advantages from other people. Example like: Dine in at MacDonald and take lots of sugar, salt and paper home. Buy 1kg of vegetable and FORCE the boss free 0.5kg of garlic. Order a glass of HOT Kopi O then request for another cup of ice cube. Grab all the best food in buffet and secretly put it into a Tupperware. How shame on you?
10. Block the public transport entrance.
Malaysians love the block other people's way which would causing others unable to get in or out. This is what actually happening in every public transport in Malaysia. Even you have to say many time of EXCUSE ME to, but I think saying 'EXCUSE ME, I'M H1NI or H2N3 CARRIER' is more effective.
So, what do you think?